I have not tried to install it on a fresh plain base image yet but that will be next on the list for tomorrow. Visual Studio subscriptions have multiple versions, with different included benefits and at different price points. Has anyone else had this or similar issue? Is there some other network setting I may need to re-enabled that was turned off using the OSOT? Visual Studio Subscriptions (Formerly known as MSDN: Microsoft Developer Network licenses / subscriptions) are Microsoft’s ultimate bundle of software, services and resources for software developers and businesses. I can sign in fine and it recognizes my account, but trying to "update license" always results in the same error "We could download a license, check internet connection and proxy settings" I thought maybe the issue with Windows thinking it had no internet access was the issue but even with the taskbar icon showing Connect & Internet Access now I still get the same error when trying to update the visual studio license. I re-enabled that and set the reg keys in HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator back to 0. I did use the VMware OSOT which disabled NCSI. I am able to run VS2019 on our physical machines without having this issue.

I am getting an error when trying to use Visual Studio 2019 community version on our VM/appstacks.